Thursday, April 21, 2011

volunteers in shatby

الحمدلله ربنا وفقنا كطلبه فى موضوع الشاطبي
وقدرنا نساعد

بدء نزول متطوعين من السبت اللى فات
وان شاء الله هنفضل نساعد فى كل حته لحد مصر كلها متبقى احسن

الشباب هو الأمل


  1. Dear Hossam,

    My name is Cheroona Sievey. I am here in Cairo with The Lotus Birth Campaign and I would like to help you to save these babies lives with Delayed Cord Clamping and Kangeroo Mother Care!

    Please check out our website and email me to get in touch.

    Thank you for all that you are doing with your important work in your important life!

    Yours Radically,

  2. OMG
    cheroona this is the first time i read about such way to deliver

    it is so natural and healthy

    i'll read more about it for sure
